Maastricht Law Talk

#7 Access to Justice

Aug. 18, 2017

It might seem so obvious: If someone misbehaves, e.g. by damaging your property, you may start proceedings or seek any other remedy available. All legal systems allow such recourse. But why? Listen to this 7th episode of Maastricht Law Talk to find out! This month's guest is Maurits Barendrecht. He is research director at HiiL and a Professor of Private Law at Tilburg University. After finishing his law degree at Leiden University he started working at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, one of the biggest law firms in the Netherlands. Some years later, he even became partner. But: This wasn't his. After finishing his PhD he started teaching at Tilburg and joined HiiL later on. To fight for justice! neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.