June 20, 2023
If you feel exhausted, burnt out, or uninspired, your body is trying to tell you something! But how do you know for sure? Is it time to keep pushing toward your goals — or give up and move on? In this episode, you’ll discover the signs it’s time to make a change in your life. Plus, how to tune into the calling of your soul and make space for what’s next.
The #1 sign it’s time for a change. (Don’t ignore this!!!) [2:05]
How to recover from burnout without quitting everything. [4:16]
When to make big life decisions. [6:19]
What your body is trying to tell you. [8:10]
3 ways to make space for the next chapter of your life. [10:21]
How to find joy in the “in-between.” [11:07]
Finding your next step in life. [12:17]
How to honor the calling of your soul. [13:07]
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