All Things Macintosh

Special Rap Edition for Thursday April 13, 2006

April 13, 2006

Today was a special short Rap Edition of All Things Mac. I was just trying to have some fun with it, I hope you enjoy. Email me at [email protected] Vote for me at podcast alley here: Here are the lyrics: New iBooks renamed Macbooks Are coming to the stores The question is how much to get one out the door They could be in new colors but no ones really sure It doesn’t really matter, it’ll make many really poor Aperture was updated, whats the big deal? Its now a universal binary and that’s for real They lowered the price of it to 300 bucks They also made it better, so now it doesn’t suck MIT Media lab created a new spoon Trust me if you see it, it will make you swoon The spoon will tell you when to stop, before you burn it I can tell you in my house, it should be a big hit This was the second mac rap, I hope its better And I hope you enjoyed it and will send me a letter Thanks for listening! neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.