April 22, 2006
Sorry about taking forever to update, my computer was down. Questions? [email protected] Or vote for me here: http://www.podcastalley.com/one_vote2.php?pod_id=19014 -As today is earthday, apple announced yesterday that it will recycle you’re old macs for free! when you buy a new one, -The Motoralla Razr 2, is supposed to be even smaller and feature a better camera. Its supposed to ship around 2007 -Steve jobs has supposedly secured iTunes 99 cents a song pricing during talks with record companies. -You can store your data online, and access it for free at www.streamload.com, it’s a good place to back up your data before your computer crashes -If you’ve installed a faulty program, like on windows you can boot into safemode, by holding down the shift key when you start up your mac -Instead of using boot camp, you can use parallels, another product to get windows on your mac. Interested in advertising? Email me. Thanks for listening.