All Things Macintosh

Saturday, April 22, 2006 All Things Mac News

April 22, 2006

Sorry about taking forever to update, my computer was down. Questions? [email protected] Or vote for me here: -As today is earthday, apple announced yesterday that it will recycle you’re old macs for free! when you buy a new one, -The Motoralla Razr 2, is supposed to be even smaller and feature a better camera. Its supposed to ship around 2007 -Steve jobs has supposedly secured iTunes 99 cents a song pricing during talks with record companies. -You can store your data online, and access it for free at, it’s a good place to back up your data before your computer crashes -If you’ve installed a faulty program, like on windows you can boot into safemode, by holding down the shift key when you start up your mac -Instead of using boot camp, you can use parallels, another product to get windows on your mac. Interested in advertising? Email me. Thanks for listening. neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.