Feb. 6, 2023
In the very beginning, way, way back in time, before any people or animals or plants existed, the whole earth was empty and dark. Everything was still. But God saw our little planet. He had made a plan at the beginning of time to create this world, and now it was time for Him to begin His work. He spoke with a loud voice and said, “Let there be light”. Brightness suddenly filled the emptiness. God saw that the light was good, so He separated the darkness from the light He had created. He said, “The darkness will be called ‘night’, and the light will be called ‘day.’” Then there was evening and morning, and that was the first day of creation.
God then said, “Let the sky and the waters be separated.” As soon as He said it, there was a great rushing sound. The water separated and the sky was formed. Fluffy, white clouds appeared in the air. The water began to ripple and waves formed on the ocean. And there was evening and morning, the second day of creation....
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
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