Swift over Coffee

S1E10: It's such a glorious week

Jan. 8, 2019

In this episode: Swift 5 string interpolation gets its first real project, iOS 12 adoption flies ahead, we delve into the (apparently) ancient history of iOS development, and talk about Christmas. Er, WWDC. - Menu bars on iOS: https://codea.io/blog/the-ios-menu/ - Templates using string interpolation: https://github.com/ilyapuchka/Interplate - iOS 12 adoption now at 75%: https://9to5mac.com/2019/01/02/ios-12-adoption/ - Paul's pick: Storyboards vs programmatic UI – https://twitter.com/twostraws/status/1081181216970366977?s=20 - Sean's pick: How iOS Development Has Evolved - http://www.thomashanning.com/how-ios-development-has-evolved-over-the-past-8-years/ - Open Ballot: Are you tired of Apple's simultaneous annual releases of all their operating systems, or do you like getting everything bumped all at once?

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