Trashy Divorces

S21E08: Aaron Burr, Sir

Feb. 4, 2024

After finally catching a live performance of Hamilton the Musical this week, Alicia's mind returned to the wild life story of Hamilton antagonist Aaron Burr. Things didn't stop for him after the infamous duel, and Lin-Manuel Miranda's play doesn't even get into Burr's secret family, unacknowledged children, or his much later marriage to - and divorce from - one of the richest women in America. And if the tale is true, there may have been a bit of poetic justice on the part of the Hamilton family there at the end. Want early, ad-free episodes, bonus divorces, limited series, Zoom hangouts, and more? Join us at! Want a personalized message for someone in your life? Check us out on Cameo! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.