Rustacean Station

What's new in Rust 1.38

Oct. 14, 2019

Jon and Ben review the changes introduced by the Rust 1.38 release. Get in touch with us if you’d like to be interviewed, propose a topic for an episode, or help out! Twitter: @rustaceanfm Discord: Rustacean Station Github: @rustacean-station Email: [email protected] Timestamps & referenced resources [@1:15] - Pipelined compilation [@3:25] - Linting some incorrect uses of mem::uninitialized Rustacean Station episode on Rust 1.36 with discussion on std::mem::MaybeUninit [@6:30] - #[deprecated] attribute on macros Rust reference: Diagnostic attributes [@11:30] - std::any::type_name Security advisory for the destabilization of std::error::Error::type_id in Rust 1.34.2 [@16:00] - slice::{concat, connect, join} now accepts &[T] in addition to &T [@18:10] - *const T and *mut T now implement std::marker::Unpin [@20:55] - New convenience methods for working with std::time::Duration [@22:25] - cargo fix --clippy [@23:40] - Diff-friendly format for Cargo.lock [@25:00] - Looking forward to Rust 1.39 futures v0.3 milestone tokio v0.2 milestone tower v0.1 milestone hyper v0.13 milestone Credits Intro Theme: Aerocity Audio Editing: Zoran Zaric Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset Show Notes: Ben Striegel Hosts: Jon Gjengset and Ben Striegel neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.