The Dispatch Podcast

Columbia Professor: Terrorism Is The Point | Interview: Shai Davidai

April 24, 2024

Adaam is joined by Shai Davidai, an Israeli-born assistant professor at Columbia University, to discuss a viral moment in which he was denied entry to Columbia’s campus and how the university’s administration is failing to protect Jewish students. The Agenda: —Shai Davidai’s background, from Israel to Columbia —The antisemitism he was warned about —Dialogue with protesters —The administrative involvement in the protests —Play-by-play of Davidai's experience on Columbia's campus —Are Jewish students safe on college campuses? Show Notes: —Davidai's "Rape is never ok" tweet —Petition calls for Davidai's termination —Davidai's appearance on 60 Minutes —Rep. Ilhan Omar questions Columbia University president —Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad's appearance at Columbia —Time to Condemn's website —Resistance 101 event at Columbia —Joseph Borgen, Jewish man assaulted in 2021 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.