The Tangent 'Verses Movie Podcast

28: Mermaid Tails Under and Above the Sea (The Litte Mermaid VERSES Ponyo)

July 22, 2020

Do mermaids exist in the real world? We don't know, we don't have all the answers, but they exist in movies! This trip down the rabbit hole takes Amber and I above and below the sea. We first visit the merfolk of Atlantica and talk about is Triton really good at is job and how Eric was a good change from past princes before the Disney Renaissance.
We then take a trip to Japan to hear a different take on the classic fairytale written by Hans Christian Andersen. We get to see how another culture takes a well known story and interprets it in a way that you might not expect. Studio Ghibli always makes a beautiful movie and this is no exception, and they took the story and made it not only good for children but also emotions that a young child could understand: Love. If you have never see a Ghibli movie, i think this would be a good place to start. So come join us in some talk about Mermaids, have some hiccups, and Amber shows that she is pretty good at hosting.

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