La Vérité éclate toujours - Advanced audio drama from Coffee Break French

Chapitre 35 - James sentit son sang bouillir dans ses veines

Jan. 31, 2022

Following the turn of events in our previous chapter, we see the aftermath, as the police arrive and start taking statements from witnesses and from James. However, they soon discover that the drama isn’t over yet! Some interesting expressions to look out for: l’ironie du sort and la fin des haricots as well as a range of crime novel vocabulary.

There's also an online course version of La Vérité éclate toujours which provides access to a range of additional materials including the text of each chapter, annotated notes, language study podcasts, vocabulary lists, video versions of each episode and our atelier linguistique which helps you to take the language you've covered in each chapter further. This course is available on the Coffee Break Academy.

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