Naked Data Science

33 - Data scientist vs machine learning engineer - what you need to know

July 2, 2021

When we talk to people who want to transition into data science, we hear this question popping up more and more: what is the difference between a data scientist and a machine learning engineer, and which one should I choose? 

In this episode, we talk about why the separation between these two roles is ambiguous at best, why many people have switched between these roles, how we speculate the roles to evolve in the future, and some tips on how you can plan your career based on what we discussed. 

Meanwhile, if you are not a data scientist yet, but want to become one, you should really attend our webinar. We will demystify the transition into data science. We will show you the most effective way to build your skills. And we will advise you on the four possible options you can take to go from where you are to landing a data science job in as little as 9 months. Find out more here. neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.