April 20, 2023
I recently recorded a video on this topic and the video blew up, so I knew it needed its own episode to go deeper.
There was a big, and specific thing I changed in my content to go from $500 clients to multiple five-figure clients and in this episode I talk in depth about what that was and what it led to.
Here's what you'll hear in this episode:
[00:13:53] The big shift I made in my content and selling for easier and faster sales
[00:17:43] How to have fewer people ghost your sales conversations
[00:22:27] The difference between general marketing and marketing aimed at attracting high-end clients
[00:30:27] Attracting the person who is willing to invest in themselves and sees the value in the investment, rather than just finding someone with money
[00:33:22] How to stop convincing people to buy and get "yes" clients
Enjoy the episode!
And if you loved it please share it on your stories and leave the Podcast a review below!
Links mentioned:
MAGNETIC MESSAGING PORTAL: https://programs.milanasarenac.com/offers/cBexzD5Q
APPLY FOR THE MASTERMIND: https://milanasarenac.typeform.com/to/dIqtboVu
[COURSE] *PREMIUM* - How to attract high-ticket clients effortlessly: Get it here!
Podcast: https://milanasarenac.com/
Instagram: @milanasarenac
TikTok: @milanasarenac