April 27, 2023
I used to be well-known for my 4-hour work day message but you may have noticed I have not talked about it much at all in recent times. This is something that has been intentional on my part and in this episode I share why.
When I first started my business, there was a lot of messaging around the four hour work day (I was almost living the dream inspired by Tim Ferris and his 4 Hour Work Week book). But the messaging had unintended consequences so I ended up having to switch gear.
Listen in to find out exactly what led to this change!
Enjoy the episode! And if you loved it please share it on your stories and leave the Podcast a review below!
Links mentioned:
MAGNETIC MESSAGING PORTAL: https://programs.milanasarenac.com/offers/cBexzD5Q
APPLY FOR THE MASTERMIND: https://milanasarenac.typeform.com/to/dIqtboVu
[COURSE] *PREMIUM* - How to attract high-ticket clients effortlessly: Get it here!
Podcast: https://milanasarenac.com/
Instagram: @milanasarenac
TikTok: @milanasarenac