June 13, 2024
Dj is actually a victim to his own production this week. A timely placed movie clip and song put Wop and Dj in a position to have a sloppy pod. I know yall kill us for the long intros or the long music on the pod but this is actually hilarious. Moving past the intro Dj and Wop take a trip down memory lane for Father's Day. DJ and Wop share stories of their Fathers and it leads to an important question. What's more important from a father, being a provider or providing time? Are men with southern traditional values different type of father? Transitioning off fathers Dj talks about this week's race baiter. The Glizzy Olympian gets banned while waffle house employees get a $3 raise...bringing them up to a total of $5 something an hour. This doesn't count the needed hazard pay but i think we can all agree those all stars are underpaid. The great white hope was left off the Womens Olympic team and we talk about the difference between marketing and name association. We break down the Mens NBA final prior to technicnal difficulties leave yall on a cliff hanger. Like comment and Subscribe to the World is YOURZ!