The world is yourz


June 27, 2024

You know we had to double it for the celebration of WOP! Its my guy birthday and fresh off the break we celebrating Wop day and Lil Wop day! Wop talks about taking his young'n to hooters. Shout out to shorty in the orange shorts tho! Bad Boys spoilers start at the 6 min mark - until the 20 min mark. Wop talks about birthday celebrations upcoming. @29 min Dj breaks down the victory lap Kdot went on and the craziness surrounding the digital show. Is Bron foul for dancing and being carefree at the show? Should he be loyal to the beige Canadian? Whats up with YG dress code? @47 min Dj and Wop break down the NBA draft. In usual sports fashion somehow the convo gets taken to cheese eyes and his legacy. To wrap up the pod Dj wants to know the appropriate amount of drinks for a LADY on a first date. Keep in mind DJ says a LADY! Like comment and subscribe neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.