立志在美國 The LI-CHIH Podcast
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立志在美國 The LI-CHIH Podcast

「立志在美國...」是一個主要透過與在美留學生、工作者訪談,來分享美國大小事(求學、求職、生活),陪伴你一起成長的電台,歡迎收聽。第一季共七集,第二季共十九集,包含全英文節目,第三季準備中。 The LI-CHIH Podcast has started releasing English episodes. The English episodes will be related to Taiwan and the United States. Li-Chih is also seeking his English-speaking friends to feature in the near future, please message Li-Chih if you're interested. Or, if you have any suggestions/comments about this channel.

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