The Jedburgh Podcast

#113: Getting Fit Over 40, Dumbbells and the Toilet Trust Fall - Fitness Coach Steph Gaudreau (Sandlot Jax & GORUCK Games 2023 Series)

Aug. 10, 2023

What  happened to the “over the hill” parties of the 80’s and 90’s? Who says we can’t be an athlete at any age regardless of when we start our fitness journey? Fitness Coach for the over 40, Steph Gaudreau, joined  Fran Racioppi and Jessie Graff on the final day of the 2023 Sandlot Jax and GORUCK Games to explain how to get fit at any age.

Steph breaks down why 40 is a milestone we shouldn’t fear, exactly what happens to our bodies post 40 and how we can break the stigma that it’s too late to start. Steph’s process is simple…embrace the dumbbells, add plyometrics, and beware of the “toilet trust fall!”

Learn more about Steph Gaudreau on the web or follow him on social media. 


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  • 0:00 Welcome to The Jedburgh Podcast and fitness over 40
  • 2:38 You can start getting fit over 40!
  • 5:37 The dangers of the “toilet trust fall”
  • 7:56 What actually happens to our body at 40?
  • 11:02 Becoming an athlete at any age and skill level
  • 18:24 Why dumbbells are underrated 
  • 22:00 Steph’s new app-based strength program and the de-load
  • 25:55 How to continue plyometrics as you age
  • 28:42 Steph’s Foundations to Success




  • "Sometimes that barrier to entry can feel so high. (3:34)
  • “When you’re 40 or older, there’s a lot of misinformation.There’s a lot of fear tactics.” (3:57)
  • “When I was growing up we were having ‘over the hill’ parties.” (8:11)
  • “If we can figure out who is the person we are trying to become then that helps to shape the habits we put into place.” (12:55)
  • “Dumbbells are really accessible for people and are very versatile.” (18:53)
  • “Plyometrics are the chef’s kiss for building bone.” (22:43)

Steph Gaudreau’s Three Daily Foundations to Success

  • Move
  • Connect with others
  • Have a morning ritual (with coffee!)


This episode is brought to you by Jersey Mike’s, Compass Workforce Solutions and GORUCK. neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.