Future Smart Parent

Raising Mindful Kids - with Paul Bushell

Dec. 13, 2021

In this episode I spoke with Paul Bushell, who is a psychologist, author and regular commentator on meaningful living, as well as parenting and career development in a constantly changing world. He has written a book called Raising Kids which was brilliant! And his new book Raising Mindful Kids focuses on mindfulness practices that you can bring into your family’s connection time. 

We also speak about how it’s important to be patient and non-judgemental in your mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is precisely that: a practice you have to teach yourself and your kids. It doesn’t happen overnight and you won’t always get it right. But if you are intentional about taking a breath, focusing on meaningful connections with your kids, and taking moments to just be in the here and now, you’ll see how incredibly rewarding it can be.

Connect with Paul:

Website: https://www.bushell.co.za/

Email: [email protected] 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulbushellwellness/ 

Order Paul’s new book - #raisingMINDFULkids


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