Future Smart Parent

Jobs of the Future: Prompt Engineers

Aug. 30, 2023

This week Jude chats with Graeme Codrington, global futurist and co-founder of the Future Smart Parent Club. Graeme specialises in the future of work and in this episode, we specifically talk about a job of the future. We discuss prompt engineering and how it might be a career path for our kids in the future. Prompt engineering does mean we should teach our kids how to use AI, how to think differently about technology and give them the opportunities to play with this technology themselves.

The future is going to look drastically different than what we are capable of imagining. And the potential for our kids is vast! Listen to this episode to understand the potential impact for your children and their futures.

Connect with Guest:
Website: www.graemecodrington.com
Email: [email protected]
Social Media: Facebook

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