Dec. 8, 2021
Travel journalist and author, Shafik Megji, talks backpacking across India and South America, writing travel guide books, the countries he wouldn't write about for ethical reasons and so much more.
Have you ever picked up your hefty Lonely Planet or Rough Guide book on your flight somewhere and wondered who writes all of that and what level of research they undertake? Well this week’s guest, Shafik Meghji is one of the writers guiding you through new lands.
A travel writer, author and adventurist, Shafik defected from sports journalism and went on a gap year to travel the world - first to India, where he discovered more about his heritage, and then to South America - and he’s never looked back. Shafik has been to more than 50 countries, but his expertise lie in South America and India.
Shafik tells Laura what’s involved in writing travel guide books (he’s now helped to write over 40 of them), how he got into the industry and some of the highlights of his travels.
Shafik has also worked for Amnesty International and he sheds light on some countries he wouldn’t write about to promote tourism because it could help prop up harmful regimes. He provides his advice to conscious travellers who don’t want to support such things either.
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