Behind the Balance Sheet

#6 The Existentialist: Hugh Hendry

Jan. 20, 2022

Former hedge fund manager Hugh Hendry is best known as the man who made 30% in 2008, when others crashed, including many so-called hedge funds. He described his cockroach mandate as being a survivor no matter what. He closed the fund in 2017 after a period of lackustre but far from shocking performance and has become a property developer and landlord of upmarket rentals on the billionaire favourite Caribbean hideaway of St Barths. But few owners of vacation lets could tell you what the 10 year bill has done in the last month, let alone give a coherent view of how it might move in 2022. Hugh may have retired but he has certainly not let go. He views the world through a different prism – he is like a photographer who only uses a fish-eye lens. We recorded on a cold London day and on St Bart's it was just as windy, as you may hear.

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