BEAUTY BEYOND BETRAYAL - Heal from Betrayal, Affair Recovery, Betrayal Trauma Recovery

E139: Why do people cheat on their spouse?

Jan. 16, 2024

Have you ever wondered WHY people cheat?

Are you struggling to make sense of the betrayal?

Do you feel like you will never get over the affair?

In today's episode, we will look at 10 "reasons" people cheat; why they have affairs. 

While there is really no good "reason" to cheat on your spouse, let's take a look at why most do and what is behind the decision to risk everything for something so temporary.

I pray this blesses you.


More Resourses:

LAUNCHING JANUARY 29TH - Beyond the Betrayal: Group Coaching Program

Beauty Beyond Betrayal Website: 

Join our Beauty Beyond Betrayal Sisterhood:   Healing from an affair: Heartbreak Recovery for Christian Women

Grab your Free Ebook:   Broken Vows: Begin healing from the devastation of betrayal

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