Nov. 4, 2006
My main brawl with open source applications in the end always boils down to the same thing. They're ugly and often not very intuitive. I'm going to get mail about this one, I know... but I'm right! I just don't see an open source operating system getting the same level of consistency as OS X for instance. And the advantage of a consistent OS is that apps that run on that OS naturally inherit that consistency. But once in a while I'm wrong. And boy am I glad I'm wrong about this app.
App name: Growl
Developer: Growl Team, led by Chris Forsythe.
Promocode in podcast: no (freeware)
Sponsored by: Plasq
This episode is sponsored by the nice people of Plasq. Don't know who that is? Yes you do... They make the coolest, most innovative-and-funny-at-the-same-time app out there: Comic Life. Go and check it out at It's a super cool comic book creation app. You might go and say 'why would I make a comic book?'. Well don't see it as just a comic book creation tool, it's a new and original way of distributing your pictures, and it's fun to work with it, but I won't talk about that now... I'll have to review them one of these days. Thanks for supporting the show you people.