The Heartland POD
Subscriber Count: 1

The Heartland POD

American politics from a Heartland perspective. Always dedicated to the people doing the work and helping lift up voices across the often forgotten middle of the map, and highlight the "flyover" country stories that legacy media and coastal voices miss. Host opinions are their own and do not reflect employers or other organizations. Opinions expressed may be for conversational and debate purposes only. Shows include intentional satire for effect. Hosts are Adam Sommer, a lawyer and family man; Rachel Parker, a writer and marketing expert; and Sean Diller, a political pro and father. All three are born in Missouri with various life experiences including Rachel's 20 years in L.A. before returning to St. Louis, and Sean's time spent moving from Missouri, to New Orleans, to New York, and a spot of time in Seattle before settling in Denver, while Adam has slowly moved from the east to west side of Missouri through his education. New shows MWF with special regional focuses on Friday shows. NOTE: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED ARE THOSE OF THE SPEAKER ONLY AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF ALL HOSTS ON OUR NETWORK. NO REPRESENTATION OF EMPLOYER IS MADE FROM ANY HOST ON ANY SHOW. neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.