Uncancelled History

EP. 07 Age of the Explorers

Jan. 3, 2023

Felipe Fernández-Armesto joins Douglas Murray on this episode to discuss the Age of the Explorers. From Magellan to Christopher Columbus, the two give an in-depth examination of the era. Should the Age of the Explorers stay cancelled? Uncancelled History re-evaluates events, people, and ideas that have otherwise been cancelled from the past. Learn more at www.uncancelledhistory.com Douglas Murray is a British author and political commentator, who — along with his guests — looks at great figures of the past through their historical context. Check out exclusive nebulous media content: Website - http://bit.ly/3UzEGRT Instagram - http://bit.ly/3O3kLIT Twitter - http://bit.ly/3GdGr34 YouTube - http://bit.ly/3gkXqWz

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