
7: The Liar, The Moose, and The Plane Crash

May 31, 2023

Our powers in the sky (the NTSB and the FAA) apparently think liars are more dangerous than absolutely terrible pilots. Crack open a bottle of wine and listen to a pilot horror story. Fly at your own risk. Hopefully the moose waves back at us before we hit a mountain. Reb flies you through clear, Alaskan, pathological skies in U.S. v. Kirst (2022). WATCH ON YOUTUBE: ⁠ Follow @RebuttalPod on Instagram and @Rebmasel on TikTok :) *** Alaska Pilot Sentenced in Connection with August 2014 Atigun Pass Crash: *** FOLLOW REB ON: TikTok: @rebmasel Instagram: @rebmasel Twitter: @rebmasel FOLLOW REBUTTAL POD ON: Instagram: @rebuttalpod Twitter: @rebuttalpod YouTube: Rebuttal Podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.