
26: The Assassin

June 13, 2024

(WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE) Do political assassinations even happen in the U.S. anymore? Apparently yes. Yes, they do. Get ready to change your middle name, sue Puerto Rico for speaking Spanish, move to a hog farm in Tennessee, and learn that write-in ballots never win (except for the rare, *bloody* exception). Reb brings a murder weapon to the voting booth in Tennessee v. Byron (Low Tax) Looper (2000). TRIGGER WARNING for sexual assault/abuse. Follow @RebuttalPod on Instagram and Twitter! Follow @Rebmasel on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter! *** 0:00 - Intro 2:36 - Byron's early life 4:30 - West Point 8:55 - Honorable discharge to politics pipeline 12:38 - Young Democrats of Georgia/Byron has a temper?! 14:00 - Byron and the 1988 GA Democratic primary 20:41 - Byron gets #educated 21:38 - #PuertoRicoGate 32:46 - Byron meets Terri Guess in TN 39:43 - DUMP HIM 43:43 - Byron changes his middle name to (Low Tax).....and it works??? 1:03:03 - Senator Tommy Burks 1:08:17 - Byron's been busy 1:09:00 - The last day of his life 1:14:44 - Looper v. Burks 1:19:21 - The arrest 1:21:30 - The ballot's a mess 1:22:02 - Charlotte Burks 1:25:56 - What's the evidence? 1:43:53 - The aftermath 1:45:50 - CONSPIRACY AROUND LOOPER'S DEATH 1:54:03 - Reb's Rebuttal Learn more about your ad choices. Visit neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.