Imposter Syndrome
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Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is something that can affect anyone. I've been struggling with it the last couple years after losing our twins at 24 weeks and almost losing my wife to a deadly disease called HELLP Syndrome which can affect women during pregnancy. Since then I've been dealing with this growing feeling of imposter syndrome. So, I did what anyone would do when experiencing a life crisis. I started a podcast.

On the Imposter Syndrome Podcast, I talk to musicians, comedians, professors, and more about their internal struggles with imposter syndrome. As imposters, we tend to feel like we are the only ones experiencing it which can feel quite alienating. My goal is to surround myself with super talented and intelligent people to shine a light on this issue so that way anyone who is listening can know that they are not struggling with this alone. It can sometimes feel like we are trying to "fake it till you make it". However, the "faking it" process is usually part of the learning process. So, maybe we're not all faking it. Maybe we're just "Learning it till you make it".

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