Galion Grace Point Podcast
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Galion Grace Point Podcast

Hi everyone!

I'd like to introduce the Galion Grace Point podcast.

This podcast is an idea I have had for a little while now and I'm super excited to finally be making it a reality.

New episodes will be released weekly on Wednesday mornings.

Each episode will begin with the sermon from the previous Sunday, and following the sermon we will further discuss the message.

I will frequently have guests from the church and the community on, to further get to know people, and to hear some really cool and unique stories.

So I hope you will enjoy the podcast, and maybe even consider coming on as a guest to have a fun conversation!

Please click follow on whatever podcast app you use and you will be notified whenever a new episode drops!

Thank you all, I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with all of you! God Bless! neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.