Jan. 23, 2024
In this episode, Peter and Luke explain why they think $1,000,000 bitcoin is both early and optimistic for the world. They review humanity’s technological progress and discuss why bitcoin is a paradigm shift when it comes to our ability to save and store wealth into the future. Last, they touch on the ETF approval and how it compares to self-custodied bitcoin.
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00:00:00 Intro
00:01:35 What are the implications of humanity discovering bitcoin?
00:08:06 How do you value bitcoin?
00:17:48 Comprehending rapid technological innovation
00:25:00 Perfect scarcity clashing with real world abundance
00:29:22 ETF is approved, now what?
00:38:53 93% of all bitcoin has already been mined
00:44:03 Will bitcoin cycles continue?
00:47:12 ETF vs Self-custody
00:59:17 Saving bitcoin for centuries: Inheritance and Trusts
01:08:12 Accelerating adoption and closing thoughts
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→ Peter Dunworth’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/PeterBTCAdviser
→ Talk to Luke to set-up a multisig vault: https://calendly.com/luke-btc-advisor/the-bitcoin-adviser-initial-consultation?month=2024-01
→ Joe Burnett’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/IIICapital