The Bitcoin Frontier

Understanding the perfect scarcity of bitcoin with HODL Waves pioneer John Ratcliff

June 4, 2024

In this episode, John Ratcliff, a bitcoin blockchain analytics pioneer and early bitcoin adopter since 2013, explores the extremity of bitcoin scarcity. John shares his extensive background as a game developer and how he initially began to understand bitcoin. He discusses the similarities between early game development and bitcoin's block size limit, as well as the interesting connection between bitcoin and freemasonry. The conversation also covers topics like Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), UFOs, and the mindset needed to analyze the bitcoin blockchain. Listeners will learn John’s perspective on bitcoin price models, the true scarcity of bitcoin, and practical advice for young people incorporating bitcoin into their lives.


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00:00:00 Introduction

00:01:35 John’s background as a game developer and 2013 bitcoiner

00:02:57 Did being a video game developer help you understand bitcoin?

00:07:38 John’s catalyst to understanding bitcoin

00:11:42 Money or markets within video games

00:13:05 Resource constraints in bitcoin and early game development

00:19:39 Bitcoin video games

00:20:17 You’re a freemason–what is a freemason?

00:23:29 Bitcoin and freemasons

00:27:19 Do MMTers actually believe what they say?

00:29:26 UFOs, aliens, and open mindedness

00:34:30 Analyzing the bitcoin blockchain

00:51:00 How scarce is bitcoin

01:05:18 Bitcoin price models—S2F and power law

01:06:16 Advice for young people making bitcoin a part of their life

01:14:20 Something you believe that most holders of bitcoin would disagree?


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