July 23, 2024
Disclaimer: This episode contains a discussion on sexual assault. Listener discretion is advised.
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Leah Helmbrecht is an advocate for the victims she sees daily at work. One question that she is often asked is, “can men be Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners?” So, Leah invited Shaun Johnson, BSN, RN, ME-SAFE-A, SANE-A, MPHc, of The SANE Corner, who currently works as a SANE, to join her in a discussion on this episode of Nurse Converse. Shaun shares his nursing journey and why he became a SANE, challenges he faces as a cis hetero SANE, and advice for male nurses who are interested in this specialty.
>>Can Men Be Sexual Assault (SANE) Forensic Nurses?
Jump Ahead to Listen:
[06:37] Male SANE experiences and perspectives.
[10:58] Sexual assault in male victims.
[15:21] Male victims in society.
[20:22] Male sexual assault misconceptions.
[22:15] Male abusers and sexual assault.
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Instagram: offtheclocknurse
TikTok: offtheclocknurse
FB: Off The Clock Nurse Travels
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