No More Altyazı with Çilem Akar

#5 “Very” demeyi bırakalım! Doğal İngilizce

March 21, 2024

No More Altyazı with Çilem Akar’ın bu bölümünde Very demek yerine kullanabileceğimiz İngilizce kelimeleri öğreniyoruz. Very good - amazing this is amazing I love it I mean this is the answer you know he’s amazing Very bad - horrible, awful I can’t believe it this is horrible I’m so sorry that’s horrible oh god -awful that’s awful. There must be some explanation Very loud - deafening the sound is deafening the noise is pretty deafening Very sad - devastating, devastated I mean it’s absolutely devastating that was devastating I was devastated when I lost him yes they were family, I was devastated Very clean - spotless you’re all gonna clean this house spotless the car was spotless Very dirty - filthy caity look at him he’s filthy that mirror is absolutely filthy Very small - tiny look at that -it’s tiny yeah, it’s tiny Very cold - freezing your hands are freezing the water is freezing and there are not enough boats Very big - gigantic, massive move that gigantic cotton(co’n) candy this is a massive story, who wouldn’t publish it Very cute - adorable oh you are adorable vintage! So adorable -- Benim Instagram hesaplarım: @cilemakar - @englishwcilemakar -- Bubble Works Media Instagram: @bubbleworksmedia Reklam ve iş birlikleri için [email protected] adresine mail atabilirsiniz. neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.