March 28, 2024
No More Altyazı with Çilem Akar’ın bu bölümünde günlük hayatta kullanabileceğimiz 10 popüler İngilizce ifadeyi öğreniyoruz. It slipped my mind. I should’ve told you earlier it slipped my mind. It slipped my mind completely. In your shoes I’ve been in your shoes. I wouldn’t wanna be in your shoes. Go for it! Alright, go for it. Up in the air Things are a little bit up in the air. Contract with the city is up in the air. It’s not rocket science Well, it’s not rocket science Hit me up Hit me up if you ever need anything. Hey I’m for you whenever, so just hit me up. Hold on I know you’re recording but can you hold on a minute. Hold on ladies let’s just hear her side of the story. That sucks. Really? That sucks Long time no see. Long time no see right? I’m all ears i’m all ears Miss Ham -- Benim Instagram hesaplarım: @cilemakar - @englishwcilemakar -- Bubble Works Media Instagram: @bubbleworksmedia Reklam ve iş birlikleri için [email protected] adresine mail atabilirsiniz.