No More Altyazı with Çilem Akar

#7 Herkesin Bilmesi Gereken Deyimler: İlişkiler

April 4, 2024

Hiwell hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak ve uygulamayı indirmek için buraya tıklayabilirsin. İndirim Kodu: nomore10 No More Altyazı with Çilem Akar’ın bu bölümünde ilişkiler ile alakalı herkesin bilmesi gereken 10 popüler İngilizce deyimi öğreniyoruz. Get on someone’s nerves You’re really beginning to get on my nerves. He’s really getting on my nerves. Hit it off They hit it off immediately having similar tastes in humor. I think you and I could really hit it off. Meet someone halfway So why don’t you meet me halfway here please? Let’s meet halfway. Treat someone like dirt You just treat me like I’m some piece of dirt. They treat you like sh*t here. Give someone the cold shoulder You gave me the cold shoulder. She gave me the cold shoulder. Break the ice No I’m just trying to break the ice. Yeah you know you break the ice. To have a soft spotfor someone Despite our differences I have a soft spot for you. I have a soft spot for Mexican food. To be on the same page We’re on the same page John. Glad we’re finally on the same page. To bury the hatchet You wanna bury the hatchet. Mother let’s try and bury the hatchet okay? Two peas in a pod We’re two peas in a pod. Two peas in a pod. -- Benim Instagram hesaplarım: @cilemakar - @englishwcilemakar -- Bubble Works Media Instagram: @bubbleworksmedia Reklam ve iş birlikleri için [email protected] adresine mail atabilirsiniz. neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.