The Self Love Revolution

Get ready for The Self Love Revolution - launching Monday 8th April!

April 4, 2024

Oh hi, I'm Lu. I'm a 53-year-old ray of sunshine and I’m on a mission to teach you how love your god-damn self. For most of my life I was told to simmer down and that I was too much. I spent years trying to shrink myself into everybody's expectations of me and wallowed in shame. But then in mid-life, something shifted in me and I started to feel confident for the first time in my life. This podcast is your guide to loving your god-damn self and each week I’ll introduce you to some of the best bad-ass humans I’ve met along my journey so far. Monday 8th April we're launching our first three episodes: orgasms, menopause and style. Follow the feed so you don't miss an episode and welcome to the Self Love Revolution, baby! neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.