May 29, 2012
In this month's podcast, we speak to Andrea Carmen of the International Indian Treaty Council and Tupac Enrique Acosta of TONATIERRA about Indigenous Rights, the Doctrine of Discovery, The UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, official visit to the Unites States, and the 11th session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. We start with a report from the protest of Bank of America in Charlotte, North Carolina. Andrea Carmen, Yaqui Indian Nation, has been a staff member of the International Indian Treaty Council since 1983 and IITC’s Executive Director since 1992. Andrea has had many years of experience working with Indigenous communities from North, Central, South America and the Pacific. International Indian Treaty Council Tupac Enrique Acosta is a Judge of the First Nations International Court of Justice, Tupac is a founding member of the community-based organization of Indigenous Peoples TONATIERRA in Phoenix, Arizona. A long time researcher and activist in the field of indigenous international law, he has served as representative of Izkalotlan Pueblo to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations in Geneva, Switzerland and the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York. As Yaotachcauh of Tlahtokan Nahuacalli, he serves as custodian and ambassador of the Nahuacalli, Embassy of the Indigenous Peoples in Phoenix, Arizona. As international observer, he has traveled to areas of armed conflict in Chiapas, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Canada and across the US to monitor and report on the violations of civil, human and territorial rights of the Indigenous Peoples in their ongoing struggles against colonialism. TONATIERRA