
Four Eyed Monsters - Episode 1

April 22, 2009

Next Episode: This episode was about transforming from strangers with problems into a couple that canceled out each others problems. After that we almost became the same person because we shared the same goals. This episode is part of our DVD that has 13 episodes and a feature film that are all part of this project of us trying to understand the birth, life and death of our real relationship. We've also put together a compilation CD of music used in the project that comes with our DVD that you can get at: (Support from sales goes to the projects debt and future film projects.) Music in this episode by The Golden Pastime. Appearances in this episode by Susan Buice, Arin Crumley, Andrew A Peterson, Joe Griffin, Bry Thomas Sanders, Dorian Nuskind-Odor, Jia Liang, Laura Kindred, Marc Scrivo, Cassie O'Sullivan, Brad Calcaterra, Nino, Monica West, Erika Smith, Danny Ward, Michael Cuomo and voice of Sarah Diamond.

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