
Four Eyed Monsters - Episode 2 - The Investment

April 22, 2009

Next episode: This episode was about the fear of what Susan's parents expected of me if I accepted their help. They were giving our relationship their blessing in a way that I wasn't sure I was ready for. The episode is part of our DVD that has 13 episodes plus the feature film in which we try to get the bottom of how relationships work and why they fail all the time. It also comes with a music CD of music used in the episodes. To get a copy of the DVD/CD combo please go to: Music in this episode by National Eye: Appearances in this episode by Susan Buice,Arin Crumley, Judith Buice, R. E. Buice and photos of Jon Heder, & Dan Mirvish. Photography by Jonathan Swafford, Defamer, Carolyn Artli & Judith Buice. Additional camera operating and additional interviews by Marc Scrivo.

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