
Four Eyed Monsters Episode 4 - Waiting for Crumley

April 22, 2009

Watch Episode 5: Episode 4 is about sabotaging yourself and your relationships. Why do we do this to ourselves? To have so many abilities but still fall short at the last moment when it really counts is such a tragedy. The song in Episode 4 is by Amanda Casanellas and the score was done by Golden Pastime. For streaming music and more info about songs used in the video podcast go to Appearances in this episode by Arin Crumley, Susan Buice, Marc Scrivo, Dorian Nuskind-Oder, Joe Griffin, Cassie O’Sullivan, Andrew A. Peterson, & Dorian Nuskind-Oder. Additional DVX-100 camera operating by Joe Griffin, Andrew A. Peterson & Joeseph Hung. Edited with Final Cut Pro with a special thanks to Apple Computer for their software.

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