
Four Eyed Monsters - Episode 9 - Shock

April 27, 2009

Watch Episode 10 here: Is love an illusion? Is it something we see happening and feel so magical about but then in reality never happened at all? I don't know. The fact that relationships just begin to deteriorate over time causes me to lean towards the idea the love never really existed to begin with beyond our own delusional experience of feeling that it did. If that is the case, why not just chase that wonderful feeling and when you find it try to keep it as long as possible. But there is fear, you know that everything has an end. What can be done to keep it going? There is one way to extend the reality two people create together. And that's to create something together. Whether it's a child or a film or an album, that process will create a greater purpose and a reason to keep working for it to continue and therefor be the glue of the relationship. So what happens when that takes over? When there is only work and no special magical feeling? When the glue stops working. Or your creation together is done. It's all grown up now and ready to be shipped off to the world. Is there anything now holding two people together other then the idea that they are supposed to stay the way they were? Once in love always in love? We shall see. Episode 9 is one of the 13 episodes on our DVD that also has the film we created together and it can be bought at: Music in this episode: Francois Dixiescumbag The Golden Pastime Animation of illustrations by Susan Buice &: Appearances by: Arin Crumley, Susan Buice & Kyle

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