Skydive Radio

Episode #253 with Brian Pangburn, Joe Thompson, and Andy Draminski on CRW

April 1, 2021

  • Steve and JaNette join Dave and Stump in the winter studio. 
  • Debriefing effectively. 
  • Measuring performance. 
  • Craig Fenstermaker shares some memories of our friend Mark Vickers. 
  • Steve and JaNette Describe Your Jump. 
  • Stump buys a trailer in the ghetto. 
  • Mike Gruwell discusses a survey on main canopies. 
  • Safety First with Brian Germain discusses gear checks. 
  • Pic of the Week - No, this is not photoshopped :)  You are looking at two simultaneous cutaways - left (Derek Vanboeschoten) is outfitted with a regular RSL while on the right (Brianne Thompson) has a Skyhook equipped RSL. This was an AXIS Flight School and UPT collaboration to gather video footage and data. Shot at Skydive Arizona in Eloy. Photo by Niklas Daniel. 
  • Feature interview with Brian Pangburn, Joe Thompson, and Andy Draminski, on CRW. neither hosts nor alters podcast files. All content © its respective owners.