Episode #256 with Bill Booth and Tom Noonan on Expedition Skydiving
July 6, 2021
J-Russ and Danimal join Dave and Stump in the home studio
Hiring issues at the dropzone
Freedom Fest
World meet thoughts from J-Russ
iFly corporate tunnels and skydivers
When is it too hot to jump?
After how many years of not jumping should you sell your gear?
Danimal talks about some of the nastier jobs around the dz
Safety First with Brian Germain discusses altitude awareness in line twists
Pic of the Week - Left to right, Paul-Henry De Baere, Bill Booth, Tom Noonan, Jim Wigginton and Glenn Singleman stand in front of a Twin Otter on skis on the skiway at Union Glacier Antiartica. Photo by Terri Booth
Feature Interview - Bill Booth and Tom Noonan on expedition jumping
How to get on big ways both freely and belly
Tips on finding teammates
Where would you be today if you had never made a single skydive