BriefingsDirect Podcasts

Why today’s hybrid IT complexity makes 'as a service' security essential

April 24, 2023

Amid rapidly growing IT security costs and the added complexity of distributed workforces, the challenges facing IT services providers are clearly outrunning past practices. That’s why more automation, integration, and acquiring security “as a service” are in hot demand.

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Stay with us now as the next BriefingsDirect security innovations discussion examines how Heartland Business Systems is seeking such new ways and new partners to ensure that security incidents are kept in check across a variety of hybrid IT services and scenarios.

Here to share his story of increasingly embracing security-as-a-service Jason Nuss, Vice President of Cloud Services at Heartland Business Systems (HBS) in Little Chute, Wisconsin. The discussion is moderated by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.

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