Wanderlust on BBR
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Wanderlust on BBR

Wednesdays on Bondi Beach Radio 6pm-8pm (AEST) Katie Mayors presents Wanderlust. Exploring all things travel, the show focus's on everything from music, to food, arts, culture, unique stories and life-changing experiences. Not content to just play great tunes, Katie takes you on a global journey as she explores where that music comes from and more importantly where it can take you. She also turns an intrepid eye on some of the world’s best destinations, be they classic must-sees, far-flung off-the-beaten-track locations, or our own great big backyard. Katie also speaks to bands and music artists about their travels, because they spend a hellova lot of their time on the road, and from that wandering life spring great stories and the inspiration for some memorable tunes, too. In addition to musos, Katie chats with authors, chefs, foodies, backpackers and travel industry experts to bring you the best tips and inspirations from those who can help you live the adventurous life.

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