Been listening from close to day 1, I do love the show, but at times it gets a bit grating.
I love the character segments, but sometimes it's too much and too repetitive.
Case in point with the recent TNA/Hogan journey. Geez, it's just the same schtick over and over, I would have been satisfied with a 2 week special summarizing Hogan's TNA run and the drama of his later years.
I don't need 6 months of it.
There is so much more classic content that could be covered, get back to the Colliseum tapes, and there are still a ton of classic PPVs, and endless SNME and Clashes.
And I groaned when they covered WCCW, AWA etc that I never watched, those were the good ole days of this show compared to TNA.
Then we get AEW stuff, thanks hopper winner.
And now even the Funk stuff, I agree he is one of the top guys of all time, but do we need months and months of coverage?
No other legend got this treatment on their passing, and guys like Dusty, Piper, Scott Hall and Vader were a much bigger part of what most consider the bread and butter of the lapsed eras of WWF and WCW.
Most of us WWF/WCW late 80's/early 90's fans didn't know of Funk outside his ECW stuff and then the Chainsaw Charlie run.
Can we get back to more of the sweep spots PLEASE.