Some of the stories are ok but his voice is boring no flavor or life to his stories. As for sound effects, barely none. It did not peak my curosity only helped me to sleep better. No life at all. If you want to check out a great and different story check out Mike Bennett's " Underwood and Flinch!". This podcast lasted for 2 to 3 years and certainly worth listening to.
I must congradulate the author for fine work. but the audio left something to be desired the characters while well written tended to blend togethor and all sound the same.
I work at night and this podcast is really cool and creepy. There were times when I had to turn off the stories just to make it through the night. I wish there were more stories. Oh yea, good job to the author.
I am not sure how this author ever got a five star but objectively this was some of the most boring, superficial and predictable writing I have ever listened to on
I enjoy these stories and the author's writing style. Some of his stories have definite Lovecraftian overtones. I also enjoy that he took time to put his stories in audible form. I will be sure to buy his published work.
Note to above reveiw concerning putting it all on itunes:
Listen, lazy, if you can't take the time to pursue the stuff you love, then give it up. Any fan who loves their horror would gladly go where they had to to acquire the rest of the material. I am sorry that you have limited yourself to one avenue of exploration.