Jason says “knows someone who’s......dog’s hair dresser’s breeder”
The dogs hair dresser is usually human, right?
The dog’s hair dresser’s breeder?!?! 😂🤣
Season 4 episode 2 was the first episode I listened to. Its great!
I live out here in Prineville Oregon which is about 35 minutes from where Deschutes brewery’s beer is made. I’m relatively new to icefishing. Went a few times as younger kid but just last winter went out for five times with my brother. 27 now.
Your pronunciation was pretty good. Most people around here pronounce it “Duh-shoots”
It’s named after world class steelhead and trout river.
Thanks for all the great information!!
Hey guys, just got on the podcast bandwagon and have started listening to your show. As an avid ice fisherman in southern MN, it’s great to have a somewhat local channel. Great content, love the humor and stories added in as well.
If you ever want to get out near the home of “Grumpy Old Men”, give me a shout!
- Paul F, Wabasha, MN
Hey guys just started listening to the show and I enjoy it very much! Maybe for future podcast talks bring up best tungsten jigs sizes, and pros to fishing tungsten over the traditional lead jig. Or best plastics baits through out the hard water season. Just some ideas, Thanks for reading!
Just got into ice fishing this year, and I love podcasts so I searched for some ice fishing casts. I didn't like any of them until I came across this one. Excellent show guys. We played some in the shack this winter. Besides listening in my car.