Tavern Chat

Reviews For Tavern Chat

Tenkar has a long history with the OSR community, and it *is a community he argues, I would say correctly. He has a a great show here where he keeps it real and unformulaic. The podcasts are uploaded daily usually and span a lot of different topics related to OSr. They tend to be short and are usually off the cuff. Sometimes he has guests with good discussions that go longer and always with an earthy wisdom, or incorrigibleness. My gods, it’s like “that 70s show” I just realized. Only now Tenkar has gone from the teenager playing D&D to the wise one, who sometimes tells you to get off his lawn. Good times. Cheers to the Bartender, this ones on me.
I absolutely adore Erik Tenkar’s opinions on the many facets of gaming. Great perspectives, great amounts of wisdom, always looking out for the gaming community as a whole. Always great current topics and ideas. Check his dice, he rolls a Nat 20 with every episode!
Erik Tenkar has his finger on the pulse of OSR gaming today. More specifically he also has pretty good clue about the issues that plague our community and has no issue with taking an unflinching look. Erik seeks to protect the community by ensuring that bad kickstarters, scam artists and questionable charities that could possible victimize fellow gamers are exposed for what they are. Mr. Tenkar often shares his views on various game products and makes sure to throw support out to producers of OSR content big and small. A true asset to our community, and a great voice to listen to during the normal humdrum that is real life!
I love me some Uncle Eric.
Tavern Chat is the Tenkar's Tavern podcast. Its all OSR all the time Could be Kickstarter coverage, whats new in the OSR news or a new product. Erik keeps a netral ground for the hobby as a whole and i look forard to his his (almost) daily episode.